What to Expect

You are invited to join us. We would be honored to have you.

Astro Odyssee

We gather on Sunday mornings.

We get started around 10am.

We currently meet in the cafe area at iHope, located at 722 S. Hackett Rd. in Waterloo, Iowa.


What is the service like?

Our Sunday morning gatherings may be a little bit different than what you're used to. We try to keep things simple and focused on King Jesus.

We engage with Scripture.

We open the Scriptures and wrestle with God's Word—together. We approach The Word with curiousity and humility. As a group we try to understand each passage. We want to know the heart of God and we believe that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth. We try to answer a few simple questions about each passage:

  1. What did we discover about God in this passage?
  2. What did we discover about humanity in this passage?
  3. How will I commit to obey this passage this week?

We sing.

We lift up the Name of Jesus. When we sing we express our love, gratitute, and reliance on Jesus, our Redeemer and King.

We pray.

We take the Lord's Supper.

We take time to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made to pay the price for our rebellion—to rescue us from death and adopt us as sons and daughters. We marvel at the undeserved gift it is to be welcomed to His table.

We eat lunch together.

Right after the service we share a meal together. We all bring a dish to share. If you are a guest, please join us! (we'll gladly share)



Small Groups

We have small groups that meet during the week.