We're a simple church.

Learn more about The King's Table.

Astro Odyssee

Focused on the Basics

The most important thing is Jesus. We don't want to only honor Him with our lips or just know facts about Him. We want to be a people whose hearts are close to His. We want Him to be our Treasure—above everything. We want to hear His voice and follow Him.

Our rythyms are modeled after the habits we see practiced in Scripture by the Early Church (Acts 2:42-47, Colossians 3:16, Luke 22:19, Hebrews 10:24, Jude 1:20-23, Matt 28:19-20).

  1. Teaching from God's Word
  2. Enjoying each other's company
  3. Remembering the Lord's Supper
  4. Sharing Meals
  5. Prayer
  6. Seeking the leading of the Holy Spirit
  7. Singing songs of praise and thanksgiving
  8. Giving of our time, talent, and resources to those in need
  9. Sharing the Good News
  10. Life-on-life discipleship

Our Team

We believe that each member of the Church has gifts that are needed for it to function properly (1 Corinthians 12:12-30). A healthy church is not made up of spectators and we should not rely on a single pastor or leader to do everything.

You are invited.

We'd love to meet you.

What to expect chevron_right